Different leagues for different throwers

Now that we are officially affiliated with The World Axe Throwing League (WATL), you can participate in leagues and see how you stack up against the rest of the world!  We also offer Women’s and Youth leagues for those that are not quite ready for the big time but want to sharpen their skills.

The real deal

Being an affiliate of WATL, we have the opportunity to host official WATL Leagues.

Come join us and test your skills!

League Sign Up

What is it?

These are official WATL leagues leveraging the the WATL playbook.  What’s great about this is that you get to see how you stack up against the best across the world through the official WATL standings!

When is it?

WATL League Night is every Wednesday.  We will follow the Official WATL League calendar.

* Winter League:  January 4 – March 16 
* Spring League:  April 12 – June 15  
* Summer League:  July 5 – September 7
* Fall League:  September 27 – December 7

How do I join?

Lots of ways.  You can send us an email with interest, you can swing by and provide your info, or the easiest way is to sign up online through our booking system.

League Sign Up

How much does it cost?

Official WATL seasonal league membership fee is a one time / per season cost of $100 for 8 weeks.  We now offer Members Monday at no cost where our members can show up on Mondays for practice.

Women's Leagues

Launched two years ago, we now offer a Women’s Recreational League.

This league follows all WATL Official rules and leverages the app so throwers can track their stats!

Register Now!

What is it?

Women’s only league that are non-WATL affiliated leagues but will use their scoring app, gameplay, and format.

When is it?

Women’s League Night is every Thursday.  We will follow the Official WATL League calendar and run parallel with our WATL Leagues

* Winter League:  January 4 – March 16 
* Spring League:  April 12 – June 15  
* Summer League:  July 5 – September 7
* Fall League:  September 27 – December 7

How do I join?

Lots of ways.  You can send us an email with interest, you can swing by and provide your info, or the easiest way is to sign up online through our booking system.

League Sign Up

How much does it cost?

Official WATL seasonal league membership fee is a one time / per season cost of $100 for 8 weeks.  We now offer Members Monday at no cost where our members can show up on Mondays for practice.

Youth Leagues

Launched two years ago, we now offer a Youth Recreational League.

This league follows all WATL Official rules and leverages the app so throwers can track their stats!

Register Now!

What is it?

Youth League open for anyone 8-17 to participate and learn about the fast growing sport of axe throwing.  The league is non-WATL affiliated but will use their scoring app, gameplay, and format.

When is it?

Youth League is every Sunday.  We will follow the Official WATL League calendar and run parallel with our WATL Leagues

* Winter League:  January 4 – March 16 
* Spring League:  April 12 – June 15  
* Summer League:  July 5 – September 7
* Fall League:  September 27 – December 7

How do I join?

Lots of ways.  You can send us an email with interest, you can swing by and provide your info, or the easiest way is to sign up online through our booking system.

How much does it cost?

Youth league membership fee is a one time / per season cost of $90 for 8 weeks.  We now offer Members Monday at no cost where our members can show up on Mondays for practice.

Member Benefits

* 25% off regular lane bookings
* 25% off a friend
* 25% off Merchandise
* Members Day Access
* Most importantly bragging rights

Members Day is every Monday during league play and now offered at no cost